Thursday, April 14, 2011

You're Not Alone

I just finished reading 'Mother Warriors' by Jenny McCarthy. It's about mothers (and fathers) who are doing what they can to help heal their children who have been diagnosed with autism. The book got my attention as it was casually sitting on the library shelf. We have an autism diagnosis in our family and I was needing to feel the strength of other parents. We've been working with so many things lately that I just wanted to feel a bit of a breather even though the work is never really done...kind of like cleaning and laundry.
I related to the other parents in the passages that spoke of needing to get help for your children, feeling alone in your quest, feeling like others are judging you/your child, being frustrated because you're not getting the help you need from 'the professionals', and feeling a bit of a loss because your experience as a parent is different than what you thought it would be.
The scenarios are different than what we are experiencing. But, I 'got it' when it came to the parents reaction and what they felt other peoples reactions were towards them or their children.
I already had the idea for this blog before reading the book. But, the book was just one time I felt what I want others to feel when they read this blog. That they are not alone. Parents who have children that need extra help are NOT alone. As I talk with others, I'm finding more and more families that are working with these issues. I also find there are many who don't want to talk about it even though I'm to a point where I can tell when there are children that are struggling with the same things that my children are struggling with on a daily basis. People don't talk about it for various reasons. That just might be a post for another day.