Friday, April 25, 2014

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...

I talked with an elementary student just a couple of days ago. They have already begun their testing for the end of the year. I realized that there's about another month and a half of public school. So, it seems like there's about a month's worth of testing and then the kids can disengage just in time for summer break to begin. No wonder kids forget a few things during the summer - they've been given the expectation to turn off the learning. Hmm...
Actually, the first thing that came to mind while I was talking with this friend is 'that's a lot of testing'. I don't remember having a month's worth of tests when I was in elementary school. It was a week at most when we were in high school. And even then, it seemed like it was for only part of the day, and it was truly at the end of the school year. I think we had the last day to clean out lockers, sign yearbooks and then go home early.
I think our family will just keep learning, exploring, and creating - even through the summer.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day

This is an example of how organized we are NOT around here. Earlier in the week, on of our daughters mentioned that Tuesday was Earth Day and we could do something about it. She suggested something like making a place outside more beautiful or taking care of it. There was an idea about picking up trash at a local park put out there. This is a great thing, right? Child in the family realized a day is coming up when we have a chance to make a difference and show gratitude for the world around us. She offers an idea of how to make that happen. Others are on board. This is fabulous.
So, the conversation moves forward with Dad stating that if we're going to make any place outside look a little better - it's going to be our own yard. Hmm...some of the previous enthusiasm is zapped. But, there's still some energy flowing that makes us feel like it's a good thing to move forward with for the day.
The unfortunate part? We didn't make a plan. So, it never really happened.
What did happen? We were driving to dance class for the girls and the same daughter that brought it up in the first place states that it's Earth Day. I responded with regret that we hadn't done anything. She asked why we were driving a car on the freeway in honor of Earth Day. Uh, umm...she had me on that one. Good question. So, we continued our talk about pollution and ways we can be kind to the earth.
As you can guess, this is not the first time a brilliant idea has been passed up at our house just because there wasn't enough planning involved. Bugs me just a little bit.
So, as someone who has issues with this - I need to make sure I start the planning right then and there. And then commit to a specific time when I will finish up the planning and move onto the next phase. It's a nice thought, isn't it?

Kid Blog

We talked today about starting a blog for the kids. They can write about places we've been and things we've done. I think it'll be fun to hear their perspective on what they're experiencing.